From Hackerspace Brussels
Would be nice to have a decent server/'game pc' with Xenserver.
Are there other people who want to donate some hardware or chip in some €€ to buy the required stuff?
Hardware needed:
- CPU that supports virtualization
- enough ram (min 4gb)
- enough disk space
W. found a server for a good price (300euro) in exchange we help with an openvpn setup:
- PowerEdge SC 1430 (SV1143)
- Quad core, 1.86ghz 4GB ram, 500 GB Sata 7200 (and a backup tape-dec)
=> deprecated
Find a new solution:
- new one?
- Example : 540 euro Media:ServerExample.jpg
- 2nd hand servers: http://www.gekkoshop.de/
small article on virtualisation[edit]
available hardware[edit]
- ptr_ got 1Gb DDR2 strip avail
Contact: Tazo