From Hackerspace Brussels
Techtuesdays are a social meet-up sort of thing, just walk in for a talk, club-mate, latest news, or to show off your latest pet-project. ... or you can always stay home and read slashdot.
- excellent gameduino code running on our fpga-dev-board : demo time !
meetup agenda points[edit]
- hackerspace challenge
- HiTB (may 2011, amsterdam)
- emptying ptr_'s garage (tables,cables...)
meeting notes[edit]
- challenge: ptr_ wants to build a one button box for streaming/archiving and searches a small team dedicated to getting this done; tazo polls hs-ghent or collab.
- hitb: no members stand up, so we can't fully confirm it, but maybe keep it open, but ptr_ replies hitb org
- concerning tables: let's wait with throwing them out till end of the month until we have had talk with city gov for the garage nextdoors
- quick-&-dirty project: building a 2 cents spot welder, like this one:
- Stress-test the hsbxl-gate access point: the wifi card has been replaced and the new setup need some testing.
- RFC: Network split : The_Gate/Network