From Hackerspace Brussels
Techtuesdays are a social meet-up sort of thing, just walk in for a talk, club-mate, latest news, or to show off your latest pet-project. ... or you can always stay home and read slashdot.
- coremeeting
- saterday at 13:00
- finances
- afterwards infrastructure meeting
- blackknight status
- saturday at 11:00 we'll be working on it (install tubing, lights, and electicity for the door
- we had a looka at the door (it is structurally sound)
- we need to sand the botom of the door (it's stuck now
- we are only working on the door NOT on the gate
- plans
- use a u profile to protect the cableing
- black knight box can do everything we want
- only does not have a wifi antenna
- we will ad a usb wifi stick on an extension cord to the outside of the box (secured with hotglue)
- askarel will bring the strike and the black knight
- wiki revamp
- > betz
- a new wiki so we can get rid of mediawiki
- static site generator
- git based
- still exploring how and what
- tom and vincent will colaborate on how toscrape the wiki
- tom is goint to congress, if anyone wants to join him .. contact him
- fred will do a "remote congress" from the space