From Hackerspace Brussels
Techtuesdays are a social meet-up sort of thing, just walk in for a talk, club-mate, latest news, or to show off your latest pet-project. ... or you can always stay home and read slashdot.
HSBXL-NNG Rue du moulin 40, Saint-josse-ten-noode
- Sell Club Maté | 1337 Maté =
- Not on a promoted, regular basis. Depends on how willingly the driver remains to go get new maté
- 8bit party
- on fosdem. Contact the neighbours first.
- Printers
- We have CUPS installed on the gate now which adds the printers automatically to your list
- What to pay per page? --> If it s a lot give a free donation perhaps.
- People should clean up after them
- Server rack --> w. will call him tomorrow, if no respons w. will put it on the mailinglist
- 3D printer --> texas guy will play with it, free donation for the plastic
- Andreas (visitor from cyprus) likes the space