Techtuesdays are a social meet-up sort of thing, just walk in for a talk, club-mate, latest news, or to show off your latest pet-project. ... or you can always stay home and read slashdot.
HSBXL-NNG Rue du moulin 40, Saint-josse-ten-noode
Meeting Notes[edit]
workshops with lots of people this weekend so need to check supplies
- toiletpaper
- beer and orangejuice applejuice
fablabxl asked if we can do some workshops on IT security thingies
bank switch to dexia
asked for bigger electricty feed and a compteur bi horaire (day / night tarif)
door topic schematic
- chauffage progress ?
none so far
todo: - buying fittings - counting radiators (are they complete) - hanging radiators - hook up tubing - pump - water supply check - expansion tank
door 1st floor
- buy pur 2 or 3 bottles
monoxide detectors
component shop by wouter and wim running well
books-better-be-balanced nino proposed doing financial dude some time ago - friday-evening 18th of october !!!!