Sauerbraten Hassackre

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Sauerbraten Hassackre
Sat 23 Jul 2011 14:00
till Sat 23 Jul 2011 18:00
Sauerbraten LAN-party
Hackerspace Massacre in the bits
HSB Brussels,Belgium

We'll split up in 2 - or more - teams and play ourselves a game of Sauerbraten.

We'll be playing in the main space (as the garage is too wet). Currently, the sauerbraten server is set to CTF (Catch the flag) but this can be changed by votes once we're playing.

1 team plays in the front room, 1 team plays in the back room (caution please: front room team, please provide yourself with enough Club-mate or beer as passageway might be blocked... obviously, smoking members in team back room, maybe you might bargain your way out in exchange for a drink)

The Sauerbraten server is reachable online too (for those in the DN42 network: it's also in the LAN). The name of the server is: [HSBXL] HackSackre Party (on IP - port 28785)

If you wanna participate mumbling... I've set up a channel on the Belgian "We Are Change Mumble" server. (look inside the Game Room for HSBXL-Sauerbraten party.

Bottom line: you can join in from anywhere... (but if you come over... it'll be much more fun, obviously... here, you'll have the smell of blood...) :)