From Hackerspace Brussels
- Due to lack of preparation, we will just collect documentation about the parallel port for a few future projects:
- Simple printer emulation, to study the timing and handshaking. Good moment to dust off our logic analyser.
- LCD interface
- Eprom programmer
- Relay board for The Gate
- Add your own :-)
What we have so far[edit]
- A bunch of links to documentation
- A breadboard with LEDs and a DIP switch
- Some code to make it work (Free Pascal FTW)
Talk is cheap. Show me the code !![edit]
program lpttest; uses crt, go32, strings; CONST ppdata=$378; ppstatus=ppdata+1; ppcontrol=ppdata+2; eppdata=ppdata+4; var i: byte; function bytetobits (bytetodump: byte): string[8]; const bits: ARRAY[0..1] of char='_�'; var j: byte; begin bytetobits[0]:=#8; for j:=8 downto 1 do begin bytetobits[j]:=bits[(bytetodump and 1) mod 2]; bytetodump:=bytetodump shr 1; end; end; begin outportb (ppcontrol, (inportb (ppcontrol) or 32 )); clrscr; gotoxy (10,8); write ('statusport:'); gotoxy (40,8); write ('dataport:'); gotoxy (10,9); write ('76543210'); gotoxy (40,9); write ('76543210'); gotoxy (10,18); write ('controlport:'); gotoxy (40,18); write ('eppdata:'); gotoxy (10,19); write ('76543210'); gotoxy (40,19); write ('76543210'); {for i:=0 to 255 do begin gotoxy (6,10); write (i); gotoxy (10,10); write (bytetobits (i)); outportb (ppdata,i); delay (100); end; } repeat i:=inportb (ppstatus); gotoxy (3,10); write (' ',i,' '); gotoxy (10,10); write (bytetobits (i)); { outportb (eppdata,0);} i:=inportb (ppdata); gotoxy (33,10); write (' ',i,' '); gotoxy (40,10); write (bytetobits (i)); i:=inportb (ppcontrol); gotoxy (3,20); write (' ',i,' '); gotoxy (10,20); write (bytetobits (i)); i:=inportb (eppdata); gotoxy (33,20); write (' ',i,' '); gotoxy (40,20); write (bytetobits (i)); delay (100); until keypressed; readkey; {repeat outportb (ppdata,$aa); delay (200); outportb (ppdata,$55); delay (200 ); until keypressed; } {for i:=1 to 255 do begin outportb (ppdata,i); delay (200); end; } { outportb (ppdata,$55); delay (400); outportb (ppcontrol, $00); delay (400); outportb (ppdata,$aa); delay (400); outportb (ppcontrol, $ff); delay (400); outportb (ppdata,$55); } end.
In pictures:
The goal:
and also (unrelated) : a first look at Gameduino FPGA/gameduino