3D Playtime

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3D Playtime
Sun 16 Mar 2014 0:00
till Sun 16 Mar 2014 0:00
Hands-on with 3D design and printing
Because 3D needst to be in-depth
HSB Brussels,Belgium

Just getting together to have some fun playing with 3D design software (FreeCAD, OpenSCAD, maybe Blender? Others?) and trying to create a printable result. Also learning the ins and outs from 3D printing. Basically working on our own projects and share experiences. New and experienced users all welcome.


  • (Jurgen) Wrap my head around FreeCAD 2D to 3D conversion (f.e. create an embossed HSBXL logo).
  • (Jurgen) Figure out how to optimize for speed and for resolution when printing. Play with Slic3r expert mode settings...
  • (Please add your own projects/interests here)

If you print, please remember to put some money in the jar. Non-members are welcome too, please consider making a donation to the space (jar) if you found it interesting!

No fixed planning, so hop in whenever you want and stay as long as you want. The last member locks up and turns off the machines (obviously). Closing hour is indicative.

According to our experts, having a 3D printed item (f.e. a GSM holder) gives you bragging rights. So don't hesitate to put up your pix or vids on all that social media out there. Remember to also mention the hackerspace. :)


I managed to convert Sketchup building drawings into sdk and clear up the faults using http://www.netfabb.com/basic.php Im migrating OS atm, Ill do a screencast after that when I get time [Jonny 07/03/14]

Btw, Id love to master Blender, its way cooler no doubt ---