From Hackerspace Brussels
Techtuesdays are a social meet-up sort of thing, just walk in for a talk, club-mate, latest news, or to show off your latest pet-project. ... or you can always stay home and read slashdot.
- ARP (ptr_)
- meet the packet
- raw sockets
- c/c++ and python implementation
- spoof & play
- others ?
(starting after 21h)
- call-for-projects hxx, HiTB
- fosdem / bytenight debrief
- Battlemesh V4 + prep school BattlemeshV4/prep_school
- planning the use of space @ hsb -- who's interested + fix a date.
- what's important - which functions
- storage vs workspace vs meeting space
- who wants to bring hsbxl to a next level?
- let's buy the manuals for HAM-radio exams uba-website, harec manuals etc. FR+NL
(starting about 18h) Diana from the yate project [1]
meeting notes
call for projects Hxx, HiTB
- there's some budget, tickets
- no projects were presented
debriefing fosdem, bytenight
- bytenight was great
- fosdem was great
- thnx for the people who helped out, big thanks to pascal
- ..let's do it more often, but more people should try to help out. lets try and take this into consideration when thinkabout space architecture
- ptr_ doesn't fancy parties too much (neighbours, lot's of work , risk ..)
- bytenight brought in a little less than 500 euro -- so profit was about 250 euro (we don't have exact count yet)
battlemesh V4
- is coming up in march
- ptr_ will start some weekend sessions to explore OpenWRT
- agenda : on the wiki. try to spam people.
- ptr_ is going by car.
planning the use of space
- planning the use of the space - what functions do we find important to host in the space
- we did a discussion after the meeting with those interested.
- updates : Refurbished
HAM radio license
ptr_ wants to buy HAM radio amateur manuals from . hackerspace buys the full series, dutch+french - there is no english it seems. 22€ - 27€ a piece (2 in french 2 in dutch.
varia: newline
- fs111 invites us all - end of march fr+sat
- ptr_ will do little talk on wireless battlemesh v4
- emich will do an android lightning-workshop
- ipv6ing pamela
- project ... build your own home-computer (zx-80). -- old parts are needed .. we have plenty.
- mail yr ideas to