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 Techtuesdays are a social meet-up sort of thing, just walk in for a talk, 
 club-mate, latest news, or to show off your latest pet-project.  
 ... or you can always stay home and read slashdot.
tuesday meeting
Tue 19 Apr 2016 19:00


2016/04/19 HSBXL - Rue de Manchester 21 (big gray gate near Charleroi Danses, then take the elevator to the 4th floor)


Meeting notes

- insurance (verzekering)

 T. went there : payment is needed
 276 EUR to pay
 wouter copies contract and files a copy to the owner > he just needs the polis number

- address mailbox

 rue manchester 17 (as specified in the new statutes)
 > Build one in OSB > Nino

- gas consumption / payments (gas consumptie / betalingen)

 now we've used for 650EUR
 till august we pay 124eur /month,
 after we'll recalculate and probably end up with monthly payment of around 70EUR  

- statutes (status statuten aanpassing)

 - change address
 - change board (w. / fred./  jg. / hugo / tom)
 - radio
  -support digital nomads

- mate delivery / payment (status mate betalingen)

   got back 460,53 EUR on 13 of april for empty crates
    48  hsbxl crates going out
    38 urlab crates  (38 * 4.5 = 171)

- new location search (nieuwe locatie)

 Start looking for new location?
 Talk to the owner for his plans (N | T)  (elevator / upcoming year plans / mailbox)

- wood (hout)

 let's build shelves
 check height &
 -- build kitchen on pallet if we feel like

- the Cube

 2.2 x 2.2 x 2.2 m
 let's see what happens

- new members

 did new ppl showing up actually took the step of paying membership etc ?
 in april 5 new members subscribed > no payments yet

- refugee-camp school a Calais

 after 16th of may   -- ptr will keep contact 

- SHA 2017 - 30th of april - arnhem logistics preparatory meeting

- fine (ten bullets -- 'pay to leatherman')

 Tom writes proposal

-lost and not found

- dymo  the dymo is gone. no one knows where/who.
- some lithium batteries went missing from tank stuff within last 2 months

- who is in the board currently?

   see changed statutes   (w. / fred./  jg. / hugo / tom)