From Hackerspace Brussels
Techtuesdays are a social meet-up sort of thing, just walk in for a talk, club-mate, latest news, or to show off your latest pet-project. ... or you can always stay home and read slashdot.
HSBXL-NNNG rue de Manchester/Manchesterstraat 17 - 1080 Molenbeek (near place duchesse and Liverpool bridge across the canal)
- General Assembly on 20 october
-> wouter writes email today -> Hugo will work on the financial preview -> food: regular order of pizza or something -> lets have remote participants with skype / IRC / conference call
- Keys metal gate
-> tom found shop that can copy the keys (20 euro/piece or 180/10pieces) -> let's buy 10 and sell them 20 each
- Colruyt run done today, 130 euro costs
- All cordless drills are missing
-> Tom probably has one -> Other one is missing, no one answers on mailing list
- Laser cutter is almost funded
-> 100usd still missing -> shipping costs, michael will investigate
- Welcome / opening party
-> Guys from second floor contacted us, asking to run a open day with all floors / date still has te be set
- Bytenight
-> Tom proposes to put his tent on the parking -> Tom contacts the municipality, better be safe then sorry
- SpaceAPI
-> Is working on -> To ste state of space to open, run xbmc-eleclab