Pre-FOSDEM warmup with Kubernetes

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Pre-FOSDEM warmup with Kubernetes
Fri 02 Feb 2018 19:00
till Fri 02 Feb 2018 0:00
Pre-FOSDEM warmup with Kubernetes
Yet another K8S Meetup!
HSBXL Brussels,Belgium


Let’s kick off the Brussels Kubernetes Meetup with some awesome talks from experts in the field.



We will have pizza sponsored by CoScale. If anybody wants to sponsor drinks, this is still possible :)


Talk 1: How to use your Kubernetes remote control, or: kubectl in action

by Michael Hausenblas, Developer Advocate at Red Hat, OpenShift team

Kubernetes comes with kubectl, a CLI that allows you to interact with your cluster, supporting operations from config to managing workloads to administrative tasks. In this talk you'll learn everything you need to know getting the most out of kubectl and beyond.

Talk 2: Introduction to Kubernetes Networking

by Bryan Boreham, Director of Engineering at Weaveworks, maintainer of CNI and Weave Net

Kubernetes has two simple but powerful network concepts: every Pod is connected to the same network, and Services let you talk to a Pod by name. Bryan will take you through how these concepts are implemented - Pod Networks via the Container Network Interface (CNI), Service Discovery via kube-dns and Service virtual IPs, then on to how Services are exposed to the rest of the world.

Talk 3: Infrastructure components for Kubernetes deployments

by Sergiusz Urbaniak, Senior Software Engineer at Gesundheitscloud, ex-CoreOS installer team

There is a lot of buzz and projects around Kubernetes installation and deployment stories. Many installer options exist, starting from DIY solutions like "Kubernetes the hard way" up to ready-to-use cloud provided solutions like AWS EKS and Azure AKS. This talk tries to demystify the concepts behind a Kubernetes deployment. It outlines the necessary building blocks for networking, storage and compute for a cloud-based Kubernetes installation and provides a concrete example using Terraform.
