Our Component Stock
From Hackerspace Brussels
We have recieved some stuff
below is the list of what we have for sale as of this moment
- raspberri PI = 40 euro
- arduino uno = 30 euro
- Breadboard + jumpers = 15 euro
- usb hub = 15 euro
More will follow soon
some profit to bootstrap this project has been calculated into these prices
It is difficult to find component and electronic kits in Brussel.
Have our own components and kits shop in the space. (note: shop is a big word, it's really not much more than the drinks we're selling now)
- Easy when we want to hack something
- May attract new people
- No shipment, only "pick up" in the space (during workshops, tech tue's, ...).
- 05 aug 2013: Called Wim from kd85.com, need to call back 7th. [tom]
- 11 aug 2013: Emailed Wim with first proposition [tom]
- 14 aug 2013: Had a call with Wim. We need to tell him what we want to have in stock. He is OK with sending it by mail.
- 10 Sept 2013: Had another call with wim .. worked out some things
- 20 sept 2013: stuff arived
What do we want to have in stock?
- Raspberry Pi: http://piregistration.element14.com/raspberryPi1.html?id=2191863&Ntt=2191863
- Level Shifters: http://www.adafruit.com/products/735
- Flat GPIO Cables: http://www.adafruit.com/products/862
- Arduino Uno: http://be.farnell.com/arduino/a000066/atmega328-arduino-uno-eval-board/dp/2075382
- Arduino Leonardo (really useful in stock if we have Uno ?)
- Arduino Micro : http://www.adafruit.com/products/1315
- Protoshield Arduino (f.e. Adafruit): http://www.adafruit.com/category/17_21
- PWM Servo Shield: http://www.adafruit.com/products/1411
- LEDs
- Half size breadboard: http://www.adafruit.com/products/64
- PCB, stripboard, eurocard: http://be.farnell.com/kelan/451058/pcb-stripboard-eurocard-fr2/dp/451058
- Powerful white LEDs (3W or so)
- LED strips : http://www.adafruit.com/products/306
- TV B-Gone soldering kits : http://www.adafruit.com/products/73 (lots of them)
- Soldering wire (the thing you melt)
- Experimentation Kit for Arduino : http://www.adafruit.com/products/170
- FTDI Friend : http://www.adafruit.com/products/284
(Add what you want)