General Assembly 2
From Hackerspace Brussels
this page is here to organize/structure the agenda of the second general assembly of 'hackerspace brussel VZW'.
please add points/ideas/remarks on the agenda hereunder if you want to get them under the attention of the assembly.
deroulement/verloop of the meeting
please read following page on the course/process of the meeting General Assembly Process.
ACK the notes of previous meeting
- where's those notes?
ACK the board of HSBxl
- any motion against the board? (it's the only day of the year we won't mind a little mutiny :-)
- changes in current board ? new board members ?
- also check if the statutes need any change; discuss `diff statutes_hsbxl statutes_0x20`
financial status
- overview and approval of financial balance
- evaluate: how was money used till now
- how we manage our money (a rotating financial responsible)
- membership fee
- (Membership in Paris is 30Eur/year, in Syn2cat it is 6Eur/Month, in CCC is 72Eur/Year, in HSBXL we are already at 60Eur/year!)
- London hackspace is 40£/month ( )
- ccc eg C4 (koeln): 17-23EUR
- every space asks what she needs to make it
- So the remaining question is first to decide what/how we want to do things and then adapt the membership! ;-) [Raising the membership without that is a non sense]
- If membership in HSBXL does not include space, what does it include/exclude?
- hsbxl membership should pay for the space yes - and that's it basically, imho (ptr_).
- (Membership in Paris is 30Eur/year, in Syn2cat it is 6Eur/Month, in CCC is 72Eur/Year, in HSBXL we are already at 60Eur/year!)
debriefing the past year / varia
(most of these points were discussed on the past meeting, please add some if you want to raise a discussion on them)
- clean-up
- it's going with ups and downs, it will always evolve in ups and downs
- cleaning up the tables, if you are working on a project: create an empty box, label it and put it on the shelf
- ranting/trolling on the mailinglist
- who has keys? how are they used?
- key policy (who can get one)
- are they well used
- setting up events/workshops/...
- is there enough info?
- is there a need for these activities ?
- 'insurance' vs. 'all you do is on your own risk'
- look to possibilities
- take a decision in this matter
- the heating (!!!) :-)
- nothing is been done till now, high time to start
- inventory of materials in hsb (what is hsb's, ptr_s,etc)
things to decide
- (yes/no)insurance: the decision
- liability waiver: ppl entering the space should do on their own risk
- internal regulations : ptr_ wants to add the 'hacker ethics'
- keys: who has one, do you make well use of them, do we need another key policy?
- sleeping members (let them sleep/try to wake them/kick them)
- discuss on the space, how it limits growth HSBXL_ng
- space travel (hackers on a spaceship?)
- profit
this email was sent out to all members (Wed 22 Sept 2010)
Subject: invitation General Assembly of HSB vzw - Tue Oct 12 2010 7:00 PM Hello, This is the official invitation to all members for the general assembly of the 'Hackerspace Brussels' VZW. A valid assembly needs at least 2/3 of the members to be present. Please do an effort to arrange your agenda ! If you are unable to come over, please respond to this list, or to For any questions/remarks: feel free to reply this email, or add them to the wiki: , before the start of the meeting. * When: Tuesday 12 Oct 2010 at 20u00 * Where: Hackerspace Brussels PRINSES ELISABETHLAAN 46 1030 SCHAARBEEK BELGIUM * Who: All members of HSB. * About/agenda: - ACK the notes of previous meeting - ACK the board of HSBxl - financial status, ACK the financial overview - membership: what is it, what is it worth? - refactoring. hsb on the move. What could improve HSB? What are your expectations? How do you see HSB in 1 year, 2 years and 5 years? - insurance - etc. Note: this is a _members_only meeting. (non-members' output will be piped through to /dev/null) Note2: In case you don't consider yourself member any more, please fill out our form and send it to us (pref before the meeting): cu all there! the board (ptr, wouter, hansF, tazo)