Dirty Drupal Hackathon

From Hackerspace Brussels
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Dirty Drupal Hackathon
Sat 01 Aug 2009 0:00
till Sat 01 Aug 2009 0:00
Hackathon for charity.
HSB Brussels,Belgium

Dirty Drupal Hackathon

Pictures online now: http://www.flickr.com/photos/batigolix/sets/72157621915546858/show/with/3779202800/

http://etherpad.com/oD0YKVgCBP zuiddag.th.jpg Full Version When?

   * Saturday, 1st of August.
   * Opening session starts @ 14:00 (don't miss it)


At HSB? (depends on our internet connectivity issues) Yes, we're online :-) Signup:

Please sign up so we know how many people to expect: http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFptdWlqaDlOamJaQzktN1hBNDQyUEE6MA.. What?

   * We're going to build a web application with drupal.


   * Learn (more) about drupal and the CCK/views stuff.
   * Help out some friends with a cool project


   * Basically everybody can join, if you are interested.
   * We'll start with a short session on drupal and CCK, so if your a quick learner you can jump right in.
   * We also need some people who know a bit about webdesign
   * Javascript/jquery/prototype/moo/scriptaculous/….
   * It's no need to be a hardcore developer, drupal is php but we're probably not going to write our own module. We will use views to build the basic version. 30 min tutorial on views, we will do a tutorial like that to explain views and start the event.


Basically drupal comes with custom content types and views, what needs to be build is 'simple', so we should able to build it by dinner. When that's done, we'll make a backup and have a small celebration (jeej!).

After the backup, the hacknight starts, from that moment anything goes. Write a weird module in php, look for opensocial possibilities in drupal, have a shot at accounting, write an api, make a widget to include on other sites or other web TwoDotWhatever things. We're looking to create a idea-code-design-webdev-jam-session that continues until the early hours.

The goal is to explore and expand all possibilities drupal has and to see how far we can get in one hackathon. How?

Not sure yet. The most difficult part would be getting everybody working on the same thing and not be in each-others way. I'm thinking about using some agile development principles, with very quick iterations. Build some plans/guesses, list challenges, idea, create, test. Every 2/3 hours a standup meeting to see progress and quickly discuss issues. How much?

At the moment it's not sure, if we need to hire and pay an external Drupal trainer, we're going to ask for a small contribution. If we do it ourselves, It's free. Of course we ask of you to contribute to the project by hacking to your best abilities. what kind of site?

It's for a project named zuiddag (ZD) From : http://www.zuiddag.be/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=55&Itemid=130

   We got the idea in Norway. There has been since 1964 the campaign "Operation daywork, which in turn inspired by a Swedish campaign. A group of Swedish students wanted to celebrate Hammerskjöld anniversary Day. He was Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1953 to 1961 when he died in an airplane accident during his peace mission in Congo. From then on there was an annual Memorial Day was created, "A day for day" where students volunteer to work one day. The voluntary working by students is not only a day to raise funds but also a week of awareness about the situation of countries in the south. In 1964 it was 15,000 dollars collected in Norway. The number of participating students increased from 35 000 to 150 000. The project in Norway is a very big success.

The zuiddag project is growing steady, this is the 4th edition, a few tousand kids will be involved, the aim is to have 11.000 kids involved in the 2011 edition (think scalability).

The project is set up in coöperation with schools. So students from those schools can work one day at a company in belgium, that company pays them and that money goes to the project. This year the money goes to a project that helps young farmers in Uganda to set up farms and build a sustainable life for themselves. ( Link )

What we want is the VDAB site. (sort of)

People or editors of ZD can easely add and edit jobs. Students can browse this directory and apply for the job (basic version: send mail trough a form, contact the company by phone). There should be a number-of-jobs-left counter so people who offered jobs which are taken, still get a place on the site, but students are discouraged from contacting them again. Would be nice if: We had a nice map displaying the jobs, had some nice seo to push the pages up the google ranking. Questions?

   * Send a mail to ddh@fanatic.be or call +32 476 87 05 15

Usefull links Drupal

   * Announcement and discussion on drupal.be http://drupal.be/forum/dirty-drupal-hackathon-zaterdag-1-augustus-1400-brussel
   * Opensocial http://drupal.org/project/opensocial-container
   * CCK http://drupal.org/project/cck
   * Views http://drupal.org/project/views
   * Google Maps: http://drupal.org/project/cck_gmapaddress


   * http://zuiddag.be/
   * http://nl.netlog.com/zuiddag