this event takes place at Barlok (allee-du-kaai) -- not in our space
Want to finally get that encryption working to send encrypted mails? Chat securely ? Encrypt your data? Want to share your knowledge? Talk to other crypto-minded people? Figure the hell out why cryptography is necessary in modern times?
Come join us at our first since long cryptoparty! We'll be discussing and helping each other out in an informal setting. Doors open at 17h.
Venez apprendre qu'est-ce qu'il vous faut pour encrypter vos emails, chats, fichiers / Venez echanger vos connaissances sur la cryptographie pratiques / La necessite de ce proteger la vie privee en ligne
Kom naar onze cryptoparty / we helpen ieder met praktische vragen verder (dus neem uw laptop/smartphone mee!) Van 17h tot 19h -- allee-du-kaai