Bytenight 2018
From Hackerspace Brussels
As an after-party to the big FOSDEM Free Software conference in Brussels, the oldest Hackerspace in town organises its annual free party. Overview of all Bytenights
Music line up
- Jo 'dJc' Clarysse
- Jonny and the bomb
- Open impro table in the back
Weird music for weird people.
Food hacking base lands at HSBXL! They will have a cheese and whisky tasting and experiment with food.
How to reach HSBXL
HSBXL, Rue Manchester 21, Molenbeek.
From Fosdem
- Walk 400m to stop 'Cambre-etoile'
- Take tram 94 to 'Louise'
- Take metro 2 in direction of Simonis till stop 'Delacroix'
- Walk 500m till HSBXL, rue Manchester 21
From Brussels city center
- Walk towards 'De Brouckere'
- Take metro 5 in direction of Erasme till 'Gare de l'Ouest'
- Walk 800m till HSBXL, rue Manchester 21
From Brussels south trainstation
- Take metro 2 or 6 till 'Delacroix'
- Walk 600m till HSBXL, rue Manchester 21
From Brussels north trainstation
- Take de lijn bus 127/128/129
From Brussels central trainstation
- take the bus 86 "Machtens" from Central Station till 'Duchesse De Brabant'
- Walk 200m to HSBXL, rue Manchester 21
How to get in
We are here (Manchesterstraat 21, 1080 Molenbeek, Brussels, Belgium).
The easiest is to enter via the big entrance of number 21, walk inside to the courtyard. The space is located at the 4th floor of the white building.
Photos of last years
photo reel, or the pic's from year before.

If you are looking for a place, we made an overview of places where you can take a shower
Notes can be found on