Boardmeeting bankchange

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Boardmeeting bankchange
Fri 11 Nov 2016 14:00
till Fri 11 Nov 2016 16:00
HSBXL Brussels,Belgium


New bank account at KBC for membership payments[edit]

Tom had an appointment yesterday at KBC for opening a business bank account. This was a point voted in the GA8, but was delayed as the new statutes with new board got published only recently.

Some benefits of having this account[edit]

  • Real bank cards. No need for members to prepay everything and get reimboursed later on. Cleaner accountancy.
  • Possibility to create rules to sign payments. Example, an amount above 100eur needs to be signed by 2 members.
  • Signing can be done by smartcard, or android/iphone app.
  • Receive electronic reports in standard banking formats like CODA, SWIFT MT940 or XML.
  • Send bank transations from a internal bookkeeping system. These need to signed later on by X member(s).
  • If we have an bank terminal, we can accept cards at the space. No montlhy cost, 30 eurocent per succeeded transaction.
  • Included is a credit card. Handy for online payments. Renting a car/trailer. We can decline this if not wanted.
  • Support. You can call everyday untill 22pm, good for questions after meetings.

Who has authorization to sign?[edit]

  • Askarel, Hugo, Tom

How many people need to sign together for what amounts?[edit]

  • < 250: One person signs
  • > 250: Two persons sign

Who needs a card?[edit]

  • Askarel, Hugo, Tom

What is the withdraw amount on a card?[edit]


A credit card is included in the package, do we take this?[edit]

What are clear rules about this if so. Interested. We don't keep the card at the space; Askarel is keeping it. Limit to 500/month

Do we want offline card payments?[edit]

If we have a bank terminal, we can offer physical card payments at the space. Ask KBC if we can use our own terminal we already have. If so, we go for Bancontact Dynamic, so without a monthly fee. We ask 30 cents for a bank card payment.

What about the current bank account at Argenta?[edit]

We keep it as long as money is coming in. A lot of monthly donations are still coming to Argenta, big chance we will lose most of those donations if people need to update their donation payments.

When do we start with the new bankaccount, when do we anounce?[edit]

We start up the opening of the account. We first wait till next GA, maybe membership fee will change. This gives us also time to do some hackatons so people can lookup their status of payments etc.

Technical integrations[edit]

Organise some hackatons?